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SQL Server

Azure Defender for SQL: What You Need to Know

Have you heard of the Azure Defender for SQL and are interested to know more about it? Read on and learn more about it here.

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Connecting Remotely to SQL Server on Linux

If you followed our previous post, you should now have a working SQL Server instance running on Linux. The instance at this point accepts local connections. This means that if you try to connect from your Windows SSMS you most likely won't be able to, however, that mainly depends on whether you are running a firewall or not.

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Trying out SQL Server on Linux

You are now ready to test SQL Server running on Linux but you don't know exactly how to start. Let's explore the few simple steps you need to follow to get the environment up and running. This post is designed for those who have no previous experience with Linux.

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SQL Server On Linux Requirements Checklist

SQL Server really runs on Linux, but as is the case with any other software there are some requirements in terms of distros and hardware. We are going to explore these requirements and to do a checklist for you to use and validate your environment can actually run SQL Server.

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The Opportunity: SQL Server on Linux

Yes, you read that right. SQL Server runs on Linux. In fact, it’s been possible for a few years now! Since Satya Nadella took over as Microsoft’s CEO, the company has taken a turn in their approach to competitors (sometimes addressed as evils or even, diseases) who have now become allies.

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