It is never in the best interest of a business owner or manager to receive an unexpected bill or even spend over their budget. In fact, most of us would prefer to avoid being the source of any stories like this or this. Azure Cost Management is a free set of tools that help to prevent the types of mistakes that make you the center of a Reddit thread and more a part of the solution. Track all levels of resource usage and optimize costs throughout your clouds with improved ROI. Here is a breakdown of some of those tools:
Remote Work
5 Things to Consider When Migrating to Cloud
A discussion about networking technology today always includes, “the cloud.” Where does your business stand when it comes to implementing or migrating to the cloud? If you’ve been thinking about cloud migration, here are five things to consider before you make your move:
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Setting up WordPress on Azure in 4 Steps
The Microsoft Azure platform contains an untold combination of different products and services. From virtual machines to AI, the Azure marketplace platform and its offerings grow every day. One of those services, is the ability to host your own WordPress website.
In this post, I'll take you through the process of setting up WordPress in four steps.
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Webinar: Microsoft Azure for your Cloud Platform
Nonprofit organizations often operate in a world of highly constrained resources. Doing more with less requires changing how you work and thus how you think, so you can grow.
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What is Azure?
The age of cloud is upon us. The cloud has been undeniably reliable throughout the pandemic with proven scalability and optimization. Most companies have spent the better part of the year trying to figure out how to pivot, adapt, and do their best to keep employees confident and productive at home with business continuity as a key factor. To thrive in a fragile market, we need systems and processes that can be adjusted and updated to provide products and services with maximized capabilities. So, prioritizing what comes next is essential.
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How to Develop a Cloud Migration Approach That Works
There are countless options for housing your business infrastructure and databases in a reliable cloud. However, one of the best options available for your business is the Microsoft Azure Cloud. This set of on-demand cloud services provides organizations with everything they need to store and manage their data while improving their cybersecurity. We've compiled a list of everything you need to know about transferring your business to the Microsoft Azure Cloud and what you can do to get started.
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Microsoft Teams vs Slack
Microsoft Teams is adding massive numbers of users through large organizations, schools, government agencies, and its existing Office 365 customer base. Slack, meanwhile, has been around a lot longer and is more comfortable as an independent application to startups, and cooler to younger, independent developers for collaboration. No matter where you are on the workspace spectrum, workspace, and chat tools are more important than ever to keep up productivity, normalcy, and communication. In this post, we will compare Microsoft Teams and Slack to see how their pricing, innovative features, and usability stand up to each other and how they might help you decide which application is best for you.
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Is Chatbot Right for Your Business?
Advancements in artificial intelligence, along with the proliferation of messaging apps like Skype, WhatsApp, and Messenger, are fueling the development of Chatbots — software programs that communicate through a chat interface. These AI can carry out any number of tasks, from scheduling meetings to assistance in clothing purchases.
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