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Microsoft Azure

Top 5 Benefits of Moving to the Cloud

The time for digital transformation is now. As innovation and demand have increased, so have the many benefits of the cloud. Not only can you increase your security and reduce costs but those aren’t the only reasons why companies have made the transition with Microsoft Azure. Here are the top five:

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Introduction to Windows Virtual Desktop

Windows Virtual Desktop(WVD) or Virtual Desktop Infrastructure(VDI) is a comprehensive cloud-based desktop and app virtualization service running on the Azure cloud. It is the only service that delivers simplified management, multi-session Windows 10, and support for Remote Desktop Services Environments(RDS). Windows Virtual Desktop allows you to deploy and scale Windows desktops and apps for employees on Azure in minutes, with built-in security and compliance.

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2020: The Year of Digital Transformation

We not only lean on technology during stressful times but we utilize countless services to enjoy conveniences and entertainment brought to us through the cloud. What can already be seen today is that the cloud-based digital transformation has already happened in our homes.
Privately, we are vested. Why not in business?

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The Evolution of Web Apps - Part II

In our previous post, I wrote about the benefits of migrating web apps to the Azure cloud.  I also discussed what customers value when visiting a website and how poor performance could lead to the loss of business.

This post will focus on the process of migrating your business web applications to the Azure cloud. The migration of web apps to Azure has three main stages...

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The Evolution of Web Apps: Migration to the Azure Cloud

In this series of posts, we will discuss the migration of web applications and websites from an IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) model; a local or private environment (on-site or dedicated server) that most SMBs use today for their websites to a PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) solution using Microsoft Azure Cloud services. 

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Learning Azure in 2020: Resources, Tips, and Guides

The new year is upon us and so is the beginning of a new decade. The buzz has been growing around the world of Microsoft Azure, from consumers to developers, and everyone seems to want to know more. We are a gold-certified Microsoft partner and we just happen to be specialized in Azure. So for those of you who have caught the fever, we have created a list of resources, tips, and tricks for learning Azure. One more thing: All these resources are free!

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The Benefits of Cloud Storage

Data is everywhere today. Data is even more valuable than oil. Think about the phone you have in your hand right now. There are hundreds of applications running on your phone with built-in backup settings to preserve, learn, and monitor your data. You don't even have to think about your personalized data being available to you on every other device you use after you sync everything. You might have even come to expect your data to regularly be available to you no matter where you are or what data format it is in. Many people utilize (and hoard) their stored data for sharing and work purposes every day. However, keeping data persistent, accessible, and most importantly secure, is not a trivial task.

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5 Microsoft Azure Services You Probably Didn't Know About

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform that facilitates computing as a service which is essential, the essence of the cloud. Just like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform, it allows companies, organizations, and even individuals to take advantage of cloud computing. Companies traditionally host or lease their own infrastructure on their own web server with their own hardware. Additionally, the hardware is often leased along with support and management through a third-party dealer. Upgrades in hosting power always mean added expenses and/or additional hardware, requiring more dedicated space and equipment.

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An Overview of Migrating to the Azure Cloud

Cloud migration can have varying availability, costs, and reliability but the resulting benefits are the key. Not only does it resolve existing data and storage management problems, but the cloud is a proven solution that is only getting better.

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Things to Consider When Migrating to Cloud

Migrating to the Cloud has been an integral facet of modernization in any business strategy and these days, there are more than a handful of factors to consider. The number of operational locations, remote or local users, and each user’s unique accessibility must also be considered to better understand the kind of cloud service you need. Even while it seems there is a wealth of information, based on our experience, we have done our best to find the most relevant and up-to-date methods so we could break it all down to the following:

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